In today's digital age, video interview and scheduling software have become essential tools for streamlining the hiring process. To maximize the benefits of these tools, it's crucial to track key metrics that reveal their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Here are the essential metrics to monitor:

1. Time-to-Hire

  • Track the time taken to complete the hiring process, from initial application to job offer.
  • Aim for a shorter time-to-hire to stay competitive and reduce the risk of losing top talent.

2. Candidate Satisfaction

  • Measure candidate experience through surveys or feedback forms.
  • Ensure a positive experience to maintain a strong employer brand.

3. Interview Completion Rate

  • Monitor the percentage of scheduled interviews that are completed.
  • Identify and address technical issues or candidate drop-off points.

4. Scheduling Efficiency

  • Track the time taken to schedule interviews and the number of scheduling attempts.
  • Optimize scheduling processes for faster and smoother coordination.

5. Video Quality and Technical Issues

  • Monitor video quality, connectivity, and technical issues during interviews.
  • Ensure a seamless experience for both candidates and interviewers.

6. Interviewer Productivity

  • Measure the time spent on interviews and the number of interviews conducted.
  • Identify opportunities to optimize interviewer schedules and workload.

7. Candidate Dropout Rate

  • Track the percentage of candidates who drop out of the hiring process.
  • Analyze and address the reasons behind candidate dropout.

8. Cost Savings

  • Calculate the cost savings achieved through reduced travel, venue, and equipment expenses.
  • Justify the investment in video interview and scheduling software.
By tracking these key metrics, you can refine your hiring process, enhance candidate experience, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your video interview and scheduling software usage.