
Are you looking to create a unique and interactive chat interface for your website or application? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a walkie-talkie style chat interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


You can find the code for this project below:Here


This code creates a basic walkie-talkie style chat interface with a display screen, keyboard, and controls. The interface allows users to type and send messages, as well as adjust the volume and turn the power on and off.


Display screen to show messages

Keyboard to type and send messages

Controls to adjust volume and power

Responsive design to work on desktop and mobile devices


You can customize the code to fit your needs by changing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can also add additional features, such as user authentication and message storage.


This walkie-talkie style chat interface is a fun and interactive way to add a chat feature to your website or application. With this code, you can create a unique and engaging user experience. Try it out and let us know what you think!

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