To automatically show a live script when you create a post, you can use a JavaScript code snippet. Here's an example:


<!-- Create a div to display the live script -->

<div id="live-script"></div>


// Get the div element

const liveScriptDiv = document.getElementById('live-script');

// Function to update the live script

function updateLiveScript() {

  // Get the current post content

  const postContent = document.getElementById('post-content').value;


  // Display the live script

  liveScriptDiv.innerHTML = postContent;


// Listen for changes to the post content

document.getElementById('post-content').addEventListener('input', updateLiveScript);

How it works:

Create an HTML div element with an ID of live-script to display the live script.

Get the div element using JavaScript.

Define a function updateLiveScript to update the live script.

Get the current post content from a textarea or input element with an ID of post-content.

Display the live script by setting the innerHTML of the liveScriptDiv to the post content.

Listen for changes to the post content using the input event, and call the updateLiveScript function whenever the content changes.

Note: Replace post-content with the actual ID of your post content element.

This script will automatically update the live script whenever you type something in the post content area.

How to show blog post live script show