Method 1: Telegram API

  1. Create a Telegram Bot using BotFather.
  2. Obtain the API token.
  3. Add the following HTML code to your blog:
HTML<a href="" target="_blank">
  <img src="" alt="Telegram Chat">
  • your_bot_username with your bot's username.
  • start_id with a unique start ID.
  • your_bot_token with your bot's API token.
  • your_image_file.jpg with your desired image file.
Method 2: Telegram Link
  1. Create a Telegram group or channel.
  2. Add the following HTML code to your blog:
HTML<a href="" target="_blank">
  <img src="telegram-icon.png" alt="Telegram Chat">
  • your_group_or_channel_username with your group or channel's username.
  • telegram-icon.png with your desired image file.
Method 3: Third-Party Widgets
Use services like:
  1. Telegram Chat Widget
  2. Twidget
  3. Telegram Button
Follow their instructions to generate the HTML code.
Add to XML file
If you're using an XML file for your blog, add the HTML code inside the <body> tag:
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Your styles here -->
    <a href="" target="_blank">
      <img src="" alt="Telegram Chat">
    <!-- Your blog content here -->
Replace the placeholders with your actual values.