Web Storage, also known as DOM Storage, is a mechanism that allows web applications to store data locally within a user's browser. There are two primary types of Web Storage: LocalStorage and SessionStorage. Additionally, Cookies are often mentioned alongside Web Storage, although they serve a slightly different purpose.


  • Data persists even after the browser is closed or restarted.
  • Data is stored until explicitly deleted.
  • Storage limit varies by browser (typically 5-10 MB).
  • Accessible from any page on the same origin (domain, protocol, and port).
Use cases:
  • Saving user preferences or settings.
  • Caching frequently-used resources.
  • Offline data storage for progressive web apps.


  • Data is deleted when the browser is closed.
  • Storage limit varies by browser (typically 5-10 MB).
  • Accessible only from the same page that created it (same origin and window).
Use cases:
  • Storing temporary data, like unsaved form progress.
  • Keeping track of user interactions within a session.


  • Small text files stored on the user's device.
  • Sent with every HTTP request to the server.
  • Typically used for authentication and tracking.
  • Limited size (4KB) and number per domain.
Use cases:
  • Authentication and authorization.
  • Tracking user behavior and analytics.
  • Remembering user preferences.


PersistenceUntil deletedBrowser sessionUntil expired
Storage Limit5-10 MB5-10 MB4 KB
AccessibilitySame originSame origin & windowServer-side
Use CasesUser preferencesTemporary dataAuthentication
When choosing between LocalStorage, SessionStorage, and Cookies, consider factors such as data persistence, storage limits, accessibility, and use cases.

Security Considerations

  • Web Storage and Cookies are vulnerable to XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.
  • Sensitive data should not be stored in plain text.
  • Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted with Cookies.
By understanding the differences and use cases for LocalStorage, SessionStorage, and Cookies, developers can effectively utilize these technologies to enhance user experiences and improve application performance.